Internet Safety

Staying Safe Online                 



The internet is a great resource and tool that connects us to information and people. Despite the positive aspects of internet use, it is still important to remember to use the internet in a way that promotes safety.


Threats Online

According to Norton Computer Security Services, the most common dangers to children online are inappropriate content, strangers, cyberbullying, and scams.The internet is full of great information that can help us learn, but it also includes many sites that are not suitable for children to visit. The internet also connects us to people that we do not know. It is important to remember that strangers online may not be who they say they are and personal information should not be shared with them. Cyberbullying is where bullying takes place online through chats and social networking sites by saying mean and hurtful things about another person. Children are also susceptible to people committing scams to gather personal information or even steal money.


Online Safety Tips for Kids

Staying safe online can be accomplished by practicing certain precautions while using the internet.

1. Keep personal information private. (passwords, biographical information like name and address)

2. Don't meet people in person that you met online.

3. Be careful what you click. Advertisements, links, and emails could be links to sites seeking to steal information or infect your device with a virus.

4. If you feel umcomfortable about something online tell an adult.

5. Talk to an adult before purchasing, downloading, or joining anything online.

These tips and many more can be easier to remember through the SMART acronym that is seen below.


Tips for Parents

Being open with your child about the internet can help keep them safe. The following image offers tips for helping you be aware of your child's online activity and how to keep them safe.


Email Safety

1. Only open emails from sources that are known and trusted.

2. Do not send personal information in an email.

3. Filter spam and do not click on advertisements.

4. Only download attachments you knew you were getting or come from a sender that you know. 



The following video links provide more tips to staying safe online.

Staying Safe Online

Internet and Email Safety

Safety Song



The following video links offer great tips for parents seeking to keep their kids safe online.

5 Tips to Keep Your Child Safe

3 Rules for Safety


Internet Safety Resouces

The following website links offer great resources for students and parents about internet safety.

Kids Health

Enough is Enough

Kidrex Safe Search




Bruce, D. F. (n.d.). Teen Internet Safety Tips. Retrieved from
How do I protect my kid's privacy online? (n.d.). Retrieved from
NortonOnline. (n.d.). The Most Common Threats Children Face Online. Retrieved from
Tips for Email Safety. (n.d.). Retrieved from